Whew - it's been busy!
Apologies for the lack of posting, but we've been doing a lot of practical work towards pilot projects. A few glimpses:
-One completed workshop series with a youth centre in Torbay, involving 11-13 year olds in film-making. The consultation stages of this work were amazing, and the young people really opened our eyes to some of the issues that need addressing within their neighbourhoods.
-One in-process workshop series with another youth centre in Torquay, this time with young people aged 15-20. This will be a longer series, with two completed films at the end which are to be entered in a bay-wide council-sponsored competition.
-One planning stage for a 'Harbour Animation' project in league with the council.... more to come on this!
Other exciting things...
lots of collaboration with the University of Exeter's drama department and involvement of a team of five amazing undergraduates who've been facilitating the film journey. Their biographies to come in the next post!
lots of collaboration with other colleagues at the university, who are doing inspiring work around pedestrian journeys, walking, and site-specific practice. Check out Kris Darby's blog if you want to feel excited about where PhD research can go!
Getting excited about Torbay Council's end of May events: Geoquest. Walking tours? Community narratives? I'm there.